Report for Session 00000004

ESP mode: telepathy
Persons: gozer and jeepster
Session completed: May 18, 2001 10:32:22 PM PDT

Results for gozer

There are 2 hits out of 9 guesses. The expected number of hits (chance only) is 1.8
The probability of 2 hits out of 9 guesses is 0.301989888, or about 1 chance in 3.
The probability of 2 or more hits out of 9 guesses is 0.563792384, or about 1 chance in 2.
The probability of 1 hit out of 1 guess is 0.2, or 1 chance in 5.

TrialImage ChoicesTargetGuess  Hit  
1a Timed out No
2a No
3a No
4a No
5a No
6a Yes
7a No
8a No
9a Yes
10a No

Results for jeepster

There are 3 hits out of 10 guesses. The expected number of hits (chance only) is 2
The probability of 3 hits out of 10 guesses is 0.201326592, or about 1 chance in 5.
The probability of 3 or more hits out of 10 guesses is 0.3222004736, or about 1 chance in 3.
The probability of 1 hit out of 1 guess is 0.2, or 1 chance in 5.

TrialImage ChoicesTargetGuess  Hit  
1b No
2b Yes
3b No
4b No
5b No
6b Yes
7b No
8b Yes
9b No
10b No

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